Bones in Flight

Lessons of contemporary dance, movement using much broader potential of human body than we are used to, than our common perception admits.

Wed   14:00 – 16:00 Fluid Joints (intermediate)   from 2 Apr
Thu 16:00 – 18:00   Weight and Momentum (beginners) from 3 Apr
Fri 9:30 – 11:30 Deceleration and Dead Point  (advanced) from 4 Apr

Freedom of body and mind

Movement of the body is like flight in the air, free fall, pouring. Forms, images and paths are unexpected, novel and perfect, just because they arise organically. Body submits itself to directions and it lets present powers go through freely. In such movement you experience giving in, relaxation, exact reaction, and also freedom to choose direction at any time. Body reacts immediately and effortlessly. It is able to exert exact and infinitesimal power which causes radical change in the position and elicits flight, jump or fall…

Energy saving

During this dance you have a feeling that you are not using your muscles. The body reacts immediately, it manages to orient well close to the ground, when standing and also in flight throught the space. Everything is changing all the time.

We learn gradually how to use the power of gravitation and inertia of the movement to support both speed and balance. We practice opening of the structures, gentle muscle tone and flexibility of all joints to let the movement run throught effortlessly. We learn to use mind effeciently so that it cooperates with body and bestows feeling of freedom and flowing to it.

Cultivating natural abilities of the body

These lessons are based on new knowledge about functioning of the body in movement and the connection between the nervous system and the body. This dance respects natural qualities of the body and it uses its structures. It teaches to move in way that does not cause any harm to the body. It fills the body with energy and often brings feeling of the euphoria. You intensely enjoy your own agility and strength. You feel peace, lightness and enchantment deep inside.

It is all accompanied by music. Its flowing rhythm supports natural dynamics of the body.

For whom

For dancers and enthusiastic beginners, for those who practice martial arts and also as a great complement to contact improvisation. It brings new movement paths, eliminates inner barriers and strengthens awareness in all parts of the body.

Everyone who looks for connection with one’s one body, who wants to fully use its potential is welcome. It gets rid of effort, weariness and pain in the movement. It enhances body sensitivity.

Zita Pavlištová

In her work she integrates the technique of contemporary dance and contact improvisation. She passes on the art of movement whose foundation is listening to the body. She is looking for boundaries and loves extremes. She is exploring the body in movement and its connection with the mind. She loves long, serene, conscious observing if the inner movement same as speed, loss of control and risks – situations in which it is necessary to give body an unconditional trust.

‚Throught your body you can understand a lot of this world. You only need to learn to listen to it. The body is wise, it teaches me more than all teachers. At the same time, it lets being taught. There is no use forcing it, on the other hand you can trust it entirely. Then it can manage even what we have not dreamt of.‘

Fluid Joints – Wednesday 14:00 – 16:00

11 lessons from 2 April – 25 June for advanced and intermediate dancers focused on the “conductivity” of the body, the ability to process and let movement through and not to create resistance to it. We will explore how the motion wave gradually spreads through the system of joints, ligaments and fascias and how to tune the sensitivity of the body to spread movement from one part to another without us controlling it. Classes don’t take place on 7.5. and 28.5. Price 3 850 CZK. For reservation deposit of 1350 CZK needs to be paid in advance.

Weight and Momentum – Thursday 16:00 – 18:00

10 lessons from 3 April – 26 June for beginners who wish to change their way of moving towards lightness and effectivity gradually, to learn to perceive gravity and inertia forces and cooperate with them. To stop holding the body and bending it mechanically. To start pushing it, letting it go, sending it in different directions and trajectories, and let come through the cascade of reactions to the first impulse. To see movement as a storyline rather than a shape. Classes don’t take place on 1.5., 8.5. and 29.5. Price 3 510 CZK. For reservation deposit of 1010 CZK needs to be paid in advance.

Deceleration and Dead Point – Friday 9:30 – 11:30

10 lessons from 4 April – 27 June for advanced who want to focus on moving in three-dimensional space, where the body gets in different directions and often goes through unstable or head-down positions. We will train lightness and ability to extend flight and balance at the moment when the feet are not touching the ground. We will experience dizzying ecstatic states in flight and fall. Classes don’t take place on 2.5., 9.5. and 30.5. Price 3 510 CZK. For reservation deposit of 1010 CZK needs to be paid in advance.

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