Birthing - Craniosacral Biodynamics

19 – 22 September 2024

An intensive seminar on full-spectrum biodynamics dedicated to the fascinating experience of birth. Etienne Peirsman’s unique approach reminds us of the miracle of nature with which we come into this world, our openness and readiness to experience everything that comes our way. We will return to the beginning of the journey, where every cell in our body understands that all that matters is to live life with everything it brings. A practical workshop that will leave a deep impression on you, an image of physical and mental harmony that builds a new birth experience.

The motto of this work is Buddha’s message: Samasati …remember, you are Buddha.

The focus of our work is to eliminate the experience of aggression from the birth experience. Etienne will describe how a true biodynamic birth should proceed: the birth of a „new human“. He awakens in us not only the idea but also provides us with a new experience of birth that respects nature’s timing without any other interventions.

We will learn how to reset the brain and reactivate brain nuclei that have been deactivated due to violent interventions or disruptions in the natural course of birth. Great emphasis will be placed on gaining the experience of connection with the placenta, understanding its importance for our growth, and regaining its energy. We will connect with our stem cells – the source of our spare parts.

With the consciousness and resources of an adult, we will go through various aspects of creation and growth – and all this will be reflected in your current experience and understanding. You will have the chance to pause at specific moments of development where it is necessary to get rid of toxic experiences, confusing emotions, and also those cells that have strayed from the path as a result. We will use vibrational meditations and active birth processes to cleanse every organ and system in the body.

When we understand how everything good and bad affects every cell in our body, we begin to perceive emotions, people’s games, mental patterns differently, and we can start playing with everything that surrounds us. We know how we can reconnect to the pure field that is the home of our soul.

Etienne Peirsman (USA)

A charismatic personality with an exceptional influence on the development of the craniosacral approach to life and a vast number of students and followers. His work has undergone a fascinating evolution from mastery in the biomechanical approach to biodynamics in its purest form. The specialty of his approach is the manifestation of the heart, the expression of long tide, and their connection with meditative states and states of enlightenment. He declared: „Leave out the word therapy. That doesn’t belong to who and what we are. Admit it, you are perfect and your heart is perfect.“

Originally a biology professor who worked in the field of emotional training, primary healing, and meditation. He began teaching „craniosacral“ in 1991, founded several craniosacral institutions in Belgium and the Netherlands, including the Peirsman CS Academy and the Professional Association of Craniosacral Practitioners, where he still holds a fatherly position. He then taught „craniosacral“ for nearly 10 years in the USA at the Academy of Healing Arts in New Mexico.

Etienne is also famous for his enchanting work with babies and his book Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Small Children (North Atlantic Books, 2006), which was also published in Czech in 2015.

The venue is Trojická 10, Prague 2, near Palackého náměstí and náměstí Pod Emauzy.

No previous therapeutic knowledge or experience is required to participate; you will gain all the necessary knowledge at the seminar.

The workshop is intensive: Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:30 – 18:00, Sunday 9:00 – 14:00.

The seminar will be consecutively interpreted into Czech, and you will receive a certificate upon completion (in the name you provide during registration).

Price 838 EUR + 176 EUR VAT. To reserve a place deposit of 359 EUR must be paid in advance.

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